End of Life Coach Certification Program
The First Step to Becoming a Certified End of Life Coach
This Certification prepares you to become a Professional End of Life Coach who assist, comfort and encourage people with a life limiting or terminal illness. This is also an excellent credential to add to your existing background.
How to Assess the Unique Needs of Every Client
Working as a Part of the Interdisciplinary Team
On Death & Dying
Hope in the Face of a Terminal Illness
Helping your Client Discover What Needs to be Said
Practical Aspects of Dying
Planning a Memorial Service
Certified End of Life Coach Certification Includes 8 Courses

Fundamentals of Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Person-Centered, Cognitive, Pastoral Counseling
Attachment Theory
Grief & Mourning Foundational Beliefs
Mourner-Centered Talk Therapy
New Model of Grief
Living in the Reality of the Loss
Grief's Physical Side Effects

The Grief Recovery Process
Shock: Nature's Anaesthetic
Dealing with Law Enforcement
Understanding the Six Needs of Mourning
The Language of Mourners
The Aftermath

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Abortion, Stillbirth, Miscarriage
Why Did My Baby Die
Unidentified Risks of Pregnancy Loss
Separation, Solitude and Isolation
Facing Loss
Getting Pregnant and Staying Pregnant

The Worst Loss
What Parents Lose
The Family Undone: What Siblings Lose
How Could it Happen? The Ways Children Die
Acute Grief
Mourning: The Long Haul
Suspended in Pain: Barriers to Grieving & Their Resolution

The Emotional, Physical, Mental, Relational, Spiritual and Future Impact
Stigma & Facing the World
Guilt & Shame
Legal Repercussions
The Disease of Addiction
Bearing the Unbearable
Living Forward

Every 17 Minutes
The Suicidal Mind
The Fatal Journey
Dispel the Misconceptions about Suicide
Uniqueness of Your Suicide Grief
Seek Reconciliation, Not Resolution
Nurture Yourself
Appreciate Your Transformation

Understanding the Origins of Complicated Grief
Identifying Complicated Grief - Symptoms and Categories
Guilt, Regret and Self Blame
Unembarked Grief
Companioning People experiencing Complicated Relief
The Griever’s Relationship to the Person Who Died
Show Up and Enter their World
What Helps in Grief often Helps in Life
Pediatric Palliative Care
Caring for Terminally Ill Children
It Will Always Break Your Heart
When the Beginning is the End: Neonatal Care
Humanism in End of Life Care for Children
Inside a Children's ICU
After the Child Has Died