Earn a Living while Making a Life
Certified Grief Coaches can earn between $25.00 and $150.00 per hour. Multiple factors determine what you earn just as in any field. Your business background, savvy, ingenuity, drive, personality, likeability, wisdom, adaptability, flexibility, and many other issues determine the success of a new business. The Coaching Industry is thriving as more people choose a less expensive alternative to therapy and counseling. It is currently a $100 Billion Dollar a year industry. The need for the services of a Grief Coach will always exists as people will always die.
Who are the Grief Coach's Clients?

Life Coach Salary:
The coaching business has exceed 100 billion dollars a year in the US.
Most data regarding salaries is from the Life Coaching niche.
A certified life coach salary range is between $27,019 – $210,933.
The average salary of a life coach North America as of 2016 is $61,900.
The average global life coach salary is $51,000.
The 2016 ICF Global Coaching Study surveyed over 15,380 coaches in 137 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America and received the following results:
This figure represents a life coach salary generated solely from coaching or from providing coaching services. In addition to coaching, life coaches offer other services such as consulting, counseling, facilitating, mentoring, teaching, training, etc.
Average Life Coach salary in:
North America $61,900
Latin America & the Caribbean $27,100
Western Europe $55,300
Eastern Europe $18,400
Middle East & Africa $35,900
Asia $37,800
Oceania $73,100
The average fee for a 1-hour coaching session is $231 USD.
However, fees quoted per one-hour session varied by coach experience…
10+ years $321 per hour
5- 10 years $256 per hour
3 – 4 years $194 per hour
1 – 2 years $152 per hour
Less than 1 year $128 per hour
The average number of clients that a coach maintains at one time is 10.
The average hours per week a coach works is 13 hours.
75% of Coaches expect to see an increase in clients and revenue within the coming year.
According to the Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey 2018 reports:
Annual Coach Salary by Niche
Executive Coach Salary: $104,700 USD, up from the $90 – 95K range the last three years.
Business Coach Salary: $61,000, up 10% from three years ago.
Life Coach Salary: $37,000, down sharply over each of the last two years.
Average Hourly Earnings by Niche
Executive Coaches:$386 USD per hour, up from the $350-$360 range the last three years.
Business Coaches: $279 per hour, up from $235-$245 the last three years.
Life Coaches: $190 per hour, unchanged for the last three years.
Average Number of Clients in 2013 (meetings per week) by Niche
Executive Coaches: 6.45
Business Coaches: 6.20
Life Coaches: 7.70
According to PayScale.com the average median self-employed life coach salary is $46,678. The lowest $ $27,019 and the highest $210,933.
So What is a Life Coach?
Life Coach Job Description
A life coach is someone who helps an individual through a difficult period in their life or helps them deal with a life situation while helping them focus on a pre-determined set of goals. A life coach is someone who will help guide an individual to achieve their dreams. They are trained experts in their field. Thus, they are equipped to empower and motivate individuals to succeed. Sometimes all a person needs in life is someone to motivate them and tell them that they can make it through whatever trial or event they are working towards. With that said, a life coach is a lot like a cheerleader in that they are there to lean on and to use as a resource.
There are many different types of life coaching niches such as relationship coaching, career coaching, etc.