After Catastrophic Disaster: Understanding Traumatic Grief by Mimi Rothschild, 3 Children in Heaven

Traumatic grief is an advanced form of grief that hits in response to the unexpected and sudden loss of someone near and dear.
Dealing with grief is very painful. And it can be nearly impossible to cope when a loss is sudden and unexpected.
Everyone has to go through the stage of grief at some point in their lives. The process of moving forward can be difficult when you are grieving.
As it might feel so hard to move forward when you are experiencing traumatic grief, still you can turn the pages by adopting ways that can calm the pain and manage your grief so that you can make a new start.
What is traumatic grief?
Traumatic grief, sometimes also known as complicated grief, prolonged grief disorder, or persistent complex bereavement disorder, is a mental disorder that pops up in response to the demise of a family member or a close friend.
For example, you have experienced the death of your son or seen the barbaric death of someone close to you in some way. Due to this, you may also lose your support system as a result.
What are the symptoms of traumatic grief?
The symptoms of the traumatic grief may vary from person to person.
It depends on multiple factors like who you lost, what was your relationship with the deceased, how close you were with the person etc.
The common symptoms of traumatic grief are:
Despair, loneliness, helplessness, and anxiety.
Irregular calls for eating and frequent digestion problem.
Longing and yearning for the lost ones.
Poor sleeping and bad dreams.
Shock, confusion, setbacks, and disbelief.
Total doom in the circle of self-confidence, identity, meaning, or purpose.
Raise in forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
Flashbacks of the deceased.
How to deal with traumatic grief?
Chronic grief, like traumatic grief, is hard to tackle at the earlier stages, but with time and a Certified Grief Coach can help, you can survive and even thrive!
Time is the greatest healer.
With time and commitment to yourself, you will be able to leave the loophole of traumatic grief.
Following are some ways through which you can deal with the traumatic grief:
Look for meaning and find your purpose life.
Get to know your friends, family, and nature better.
Grief rituals and memorial services for healthy grief processing.
Psychoeducation (education and acquaintance with grief)
Watch those who have successfully beaten the traumatic grief.
And don’t forget: Life is beautiful! Spend it to the fullest.
What you are facing right now is new to you. Initially, you might fail at digesting the effects of traumatic grief but know that you are not alone.
Millions have beaten the traumatic grief by taking with the grief therapist, trusted friends, and family.
Don’t be shy.
Open up before your trusted ones.
Sharing your ill thoughts before them will help you relieve your mind from extreme thoughts and help you to get out of this mess.
Further, you can knock on the door of the spiritual advisor. He can make a positive difference in how you feel.