How to Survive the 5 Steps of Grief after a Breakup
Knowing these steps will make it possible for you to gauge your progress and perhaps help you get through it just a bit quicker.. Here are the five stages of grief you may experience after a breakup.
The series of emotions you go through after the breakup of a close relationship are a lot like those you suffer through after the death of a loved one. Although the intensity of these emotions depends a great deal on how deeply you were involved with your ex, the stages remain the same. Don't worry; it is possible to survive the emotions and come out of your grief stronger and wiser than you entered it.
Getting through a breakup is a process that should be taken step by step. Knowing these steps will make it possible for you to gauge your progress and perhaps help you get through it just a bit quicker. Here are the five stages of grief you may experience after a breakup.
Denial – This is your brain's normal reaction to news it really does not want to hear. By denying what you know to be true, you may give your heart some time to catch up to the reality of the situation. The length of this stage varies from case to case, but it should not go on for too long. It is important to get past this stage as quickly as possible so that you can move on to healing.
Anger – This is a normal evolution of the previous stage. As you begin to accept the breakup as real, you may feel rage towards the person who caused you such pain. Although the urge to hurt your ex back may be very strong, that is not the solution to the problem, especially if you want to hold onto the hope of reconciliation.
Make A Deal – At this point, you may be willing to offer anything to get your ex back. Don't do it. Begging and pleading will not bring your ex back and you may really damage your self-esteem in the process.
Depression – This is the stage where the sadness settles in. It may feel like you are never going to be happy again and you may not even want to try to make yourself feel better. This is the time you need to call your friends and family and keep yourself busy. You must believe that you will heal and that you will love again.
Acceptance – This is the stage where you realize that you are going to be okay. It does not mean that the pain has gone away completely, just that you now have it under control. Now you are ready to move on with your life after the breakup.
If moving on with your life means trying to get back together with your ex, then now you can start to think about it in a rational way. If, after you have carefully weighed the pros and cons, you decide that you would like to give it a try, then you should watch this free video: It gives you helpful hints and step-by-step instructions on how to win back the love of your life.