12 Life Changing Reasons to Get Your Certification
Coaching Proficiency & Mastery ToolBox
The tools include Knowledge, Theory, Experience, Modeling, Practice, Feedback and Research.
Build a Successful Coaching Practice on Your Terms
Your Brand. Your Name. Your Hours. Your Income. Your Pace. Your Values.
Gain Freedom & Flexibility in Your Life
Are you working for someone else's dreams or yours? If not now, when?
Enrich & Nurture Your Peace and Satisfaction
Peace comes from knowing you are fulfilling your true calling.
A Career that Leverages Your Innate Gifts & Talents
Maximize Your Potential. Change the World. You can.
Confidence, Perspective and
The tools include Knowledge, Theory, Experience, Modeling, Practice, Feedback and Research.
Find Purpose in Your Life Experiences
We cannot change the past nor ever make it right. But we can use it for our own good and the good of others.
Rigorous, Comprehensive and Balanced
Challenging, yet not overwhelming.
Deep and Broad in Scope.
Right amount of Clinical Theory woven in with Real World Messiness.
Credibility & Professionalism
Impress Prospective clients and employers. Show that you have fulfilled the qualifications of our rigorous credentialing which consists of 200 hours of training.
Constructive 1:1 Feedback from Practicing Coaches
Practice, practice and more practice will make perfect. your coaching skills